Thai massage Schools in Thailand:
Friends - Thai Massage practitioners and teachers: - Noam Tyroler - Thai medical accupressure, huge sourse of knowledge
author of "Myofascial Approach in Thai Massage"
lines and abdominal work courses.
Thai Massage
Sources of Inspiration: - site about my teacher Chogial Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and His Teachings of Dzogchen Ati Yoga - the Path of
Great Perfection - real condition, beyond any limitations.
Yin Yoga: - site of Paul Grilley, founder of Yin Yoga as it is mostly practiced today. - basic site for Yin Yoga, therapeutic bodywork of stretching and loosening the connecting tisues by yoga poses
performed in very slow and relaxed manner, theory and practice.
Health related sites: - great source of articles, movies and so on, containing information about real health issues, not covered by
mass media, like nutrition, food dangers, vaccinations, health prevention, etc. by dr. Mercola from Natural Health Center. Very
recomended! - personal site of
Jim Humble who invented Mineral Miracle Solution (
MMS) - low cost mineral solution
eliminating patogenic viruses, bacterias, fungus etc that have Ph<7, therefore not harmful for positive bacterias and human cells,
truely saving life and health! - news, articles, videos and reports on health and enviroment related issues, lots of informations not
covered my mass media.
to overcome specific diseases and improve health through natural, holistic, and spiritual healing methods. - personal page of
Bruce H Lipton, PhD microbiologist, an internationally recognized leader in
bridging science and spirit. - rich source of food facts and different typeas of diet, nutritious balanced diet plan to promote
good health and ensure well being.
Barbara O'Neil -
Healh and Nutrition video Youtube chanell - series of excellent nutrition lectures by
Barbara O'Neil.
Freedom to Health - independent,
non - mainstreem health related information facebook site. Articles, lectures and tips.
Other good things: - HEMP - the best plant on Earth, source of food, medicine, paper, fiber and much more but kept illegal in
order to maintain the power by oil and pharmaceutic corporations. - Katarzyna Grambo, choreographer, dancer and instructor of Contemporary Dance and Contact
Improvisation. - ASIA Onlus - NGO project to promote a sustainable development according to the old traditions and
cultures of the local populations, improve the quality of the health and education for the Tibetan population in the Tibetan
Autonomous Region.
for women only.
Massage Therapist, Massage Therapy Students, and Massage Therapy Schools with Massage Liability Insurance, through various
Massage Therapy insurance plans, Massage Marketing Materials, Massage Business Support, Massage News, and Massage
Treasures - my collection of nice themes for linux users