Aleksander Skwara © 2020 - 2030
If practised as preventive treatment it will benefit:
- everyone wishing to improve their health, physical performance, sense of self confidence, mental and emotional well being
- all kind of sportsmen and athletes as a preparation before tournament and to help in recovering after competition,
- professional and amateur dancers
- persons engaged in yoga and meditation practice
- seniors who will enjoy longer vitality and benefits of reversing ageing processes
- everyone wishing to reduce their stress level and boost their vitality and improve immune system.
Welcome to Aleksander Skwara studio of
Thai Yoga Massage
Thai Massage can bring benefit to wide range of people with different needs, age, lifestyle and health condition. The treatments can be performed as a therapy of various orthopedic disorders or preventilvely, promoting good health and relaxation.
As a therapy it is recommended for:
- back pains like lumbago, sciatica, etc.
- various joint and muscular pains, stifness, tension, strains and inflammation,
- discomfort due to sceletonal misalignement
- head aches, sinus, migraines,
- respiratory problems like asthma,
- nervousness, insomnia,
- emotional difficulties, depression, etc.