Be Happy!
Aleksander Skwara © 2020 - 2030
Aleksander Skwara
Be Happy!
Aleksander Skwara © 2020 - 2030
To book a treatment, consultation or a course application, click here.
Thai Yoga Massage
Aleksander Skwara works as bodywork therapist since 1995. He studied diverse bodywork and healing arts like: Yumeiho (Japanese
chiropractic form of Shiatsu therapy) with dr. Masayuki Sayonji, basics
of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Jin Shin Do acupressure, Tibetan
Mantra Healing with dr. Nida Chenangtsang and received Reiki Master
  Since 2003 he is working mainly with Thai Massage after
a course at ITM Institute of Thai Massage in Chiang Mai,
Thailand, where he was accredited as an instructor. His education
was followed then by courses with respected Thai masters
like Mama Lek Chaiya and Pichest Boonthumme. He took Osteo
Thai course at Sunshine School of Thai Massage, Abdominal Detox
Chi Massage course by Jack Thanachai, Thai Sen Energy Lines
course with Felicity Joy, Thai Therapeutic with Danko Lara Radic, medical Thai acupressure with Noam Tyroler and others.
  In his work Alexander confines to basic routine and spirit of
Traditional Thai Massage, but if useful he combines it with other
techniques he has learned like Reiki or Yumeiho. He tries to find
unique approach to each client and tailor the treatment according
to individual needs. Beside individual treatments he gives courses and workshops of Thai Massage, yin-yoga and meditation.
  He works for Yoga clubs as well as private clients in United
Kingdom (London area), Sweden (Stockholm), Norway and Poland.
  Aleksander has over 30 years of experience of Buddhist practitce in traditions of Zen and Dzogchen as well as Yoga and Tai Chi. He is certified meditation instructor.
Graduated in Geography and Political Science in Lodz University,
Aleksander Skwara works as bodywork therapist since 1995. He studied diverse bodywork and healing arts like: Yumeiho (Japanese chiropractic form of Shiatsu therapy) with dr. Masayuki Sayonji, basics of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Jin Shin Do acupressure, Tibetan Mantra Healing with dr. Nida Chenangtsang and received Reiki Master initiations.
  Since 2003 he is working mainly with Thai Massage after  a course at ITM Institute of Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where he was accredited as an instructor. His education was followed then by courses with respected Thai masters like Mama Lek Chaiya and Pichest Boonthumme. He took Osteo Thai course at Sunshine School of Thai Massage, Abdominal Detox Chi Massage course by Jack Thanachai, Thai Sen Energy Lines course with Felicity Joy, Thai Therapeutic with Danko Lara Radic, medical Thai acupressure with Noam Tyroler and others.
  In his work Alexander confines to basic routine and spirit of Traditional Thai Massage, but if useful he combines it with other techniques he has learned like Reiki or Yumeiho. He tries to find unique approach to each client and tailor the treatment according to individual needs. Beside individual treatments he gives courses and workshops of Thai Massage, yin-yoga and meditation.
  He works for Yoga clubs as well as private clients in United Kingdom (London area), Sweden (Stockholm), Norway and Poland.
  Aleksander has over 30 years of experience of Buddhist practitce in traditions of Zen and Dzogchen as well as Yoga and Tai Chi. He is certified meditation instructor.  Graduated in Geography and Political Science in Lodz University, Poland.
THAI international
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Thai Yoga Massage
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Alekander Skwara studio